Saturday, September 14, 2013

Blog Post 4


The Video in The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom talks about students who have never experienced life outside of electronic devices. Many of the students spent their time watching TV, playing video games, and sending instant messages. Some students even spent most of their time watching podcast. Podcast can be found on MP3 players and Ipods. Joe Dale, the author of The Benefits of Podcasting in the classroom gave valuable reasons why students should use podcasting in his video. He learned that students actually enjoy podcasting because it allows them to interact with peers and the teacher in a different way. Students have access to information they need to know at any time and they don’t have to rely on classmates to give them information they missed in class. Using podcast gives students the opportunity to listen to lectures, record themselves, and make audio recordings via podcast. Joe also talked about how podcasting gives students a variety of ways to learn whether it’s inside the classroom or traveling on a family trip. A student in the video said that she listens to her podcast while traveling. Who would have thought podcasting would be this exciting for students?Thanks to podcast students no longer have to get behind when they miss class because the teacher can upload a lecture being taught in podcast. This allows teachers to connect with students even if they do not attend class.

In Listening-Comprehension-Podcasting the children enjoyed listening to their voices on the podcast. Many would listen to themselves over and over again. It is obvious that podcasting brings excitement to the classroom. In the blog Listening-Comprehension-Podcasting Langwitches talked about the type of feedback podcasting can give students who have recorded a audio podcast. Students are able to listen to the way they put sentences together and get comfortable with the words they pronounce. I believe that using podcast would be very helpful in reading and English classes. Students could record themselves reading their essay and use the podcast as feedback to hear and understand mistakes being made in their sentence structure. It also allows them to listen, think about, and comprehend what they said. Another interesting part about podcasting is you are able to listen to them via smart board,which almost every classroom has. The SmartBored gives you to the opportunity to stop, edit and putting their audio clips together.

Judy Scharf is the author of PodcastCollection. In "What is a Podcast," the author explained that a podcast may include music. Judy Scharf says that a podcast is a radio-style talk show. If you are unsure of how a podcast works I recommend reading this post. It includes links to help succeed in the classroom, how to make a time schedule for podcasting, and suggested projects to use if you are thinking about using a podcast. "What is a Podcast" has been very helpful with understanding podcast. I will use this page as a reference when we do our first podcast in EDM 310. She also includes videos to help with the process of creating a podcast. Check out How to create a podcast for more help.


  1. Great job. Did you use alt and title modifiers for your image? The instructions are in the instruction manual.

  2. Thank you! I No, I did not I am going to go back and redo my pictures.
